CK editor plug-in تصريف تصريف الأفعال والأسماء تصريف مع الضمائر حول معجم التصريف تطبيقات تعليميّة حول التطبيقات النحو والصرف التطبيقات الذكيّة االخيارات المتعددة إعدادات المدرّسين دقِّقْ لِي مجالات التدقيق دليل الإستخدام مُدقّق "دال" الإملائي دقِّقْ لِي حول المدقّق مجالات التدقيق دليل الإستخدام الصفحة الرئيسية What is DAL Resources? Digital Arabic Language –DAL Resources is a Dynamic digital resources library (lexicon, grammar, services and programs) for Arabic language based on accurate references. It is both a Generator and an Analyzer of modern Arabic texts. DAL offers Educational and Industrial solutions, applications and web services for Arabic Language processing, search engines and users. Uses of DAL Education DAL is an effective E- learning resource and tool for Arabic language learners with OPEN ANSWERS facilities. DAL is a CALL and ICALL effective resource for: Arabic Native and non Native learners Master and PHD’s students Home schooling Analphabets learning programs Personal use Industrial and home use A highly accurate Spell-Checker (with vowels) covering more than 99% of the modern Arabic language ready to be used by: Governmental institutions and NGOs Educational institutions Publishing houses, newspapers and electronic medias Reporting proofreading (Financial, Administrative, etc.) Proofreading after translation Home uses Capabilities of DAL Generator: The capacity to generate different outputs (root, verb, conjugated verbs, inflected nouns, plural, dual, broken plural, etc.) from the source/root words. In total DAL can generate more than 500 million words all results are vowelized and can be hidden as an option. Analyzer: the ability to split a word into segments such as: Prefixes/ core word/ suffixes. Recognizes words forms fully or partially with or without vowel. Provide its lexical entry and the associated root/pattern and the category of defect in the root letter position Recognizes word forms, identifies segments and restitute vowels forms. Why DAL is unique? DAL is highly accurate Its Spell-Checker covers 99% of the modern Arabic language Identify forms fully or partially with or without vowels All outputs are vowelized and can be hidden as an option. Generate and recognize verbs and nouns with and without prefixes and suffixes Is effective in Arabic E-Learning with an Open answers apps Spell-Checker achieves fast response (10 pages per second) Resources are adjustable to regional language characteristics Ready to be used Spell-Checker Identify more than 500 million forms/words Verb Conjugation 15,400 Verbs in all forms, with or without affix. Noun Generator Including all words variations in Gender, Number, Definiteness and Case, with or without affix of: 30,000 participles based on the verbs Broken Plural Generator: 4,200 broken plurals Analyzer fully functional in the Spellchecker Who we are? DAL is a new start-up company born between Paris and Beirut in 2018 and founded in Beirut by: Alexis Amid Neme: Intellectual rights’ owner, Language Technologist and Expert, in Natural Language Processing, Computer scientist. He is the technical expert and creator of DAL database and resources. Links For more info on our library, short papers, scientific articles, please visit our page.